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Product Details

- KP-A386 : Smoking habit improvement aid (Smoking cessation aid)

    • KP-A386 : Smoking habit improvement aid (Smoking cessation aid)
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    • Special Features :
      - The first and only product in Korea to receive approval and registration from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety as a `Smoking Habit Improvement Aid.` Smoking cessation aid.

      - Unlike other smoking cessation products, it is a `non-nicotine` product, so there are no physical or mental side effects such as nicotine dependence during use.

      - Effectively manages smoking habits, a major factor in smoking cessation failure. By reducing the urge to smoke in various situations, it increases the success rate of quitting.

      - Verification of the human safety and stability of the raw materials - Jointly developed standards, testing methods, and equipment for gas inhalation toxicity tests with GLP-certified institutions KIT and KCL. Completed 14-week repeated gas inhalation toxicity tests and micronucleus tests.
    • Key Speciations :
      - POD(Cartridge) capacity : 2.4ml
      - Device size(mm): 18.4*15.5*38.4
      - Weight : 24.5g
      - Battery capacity: 800mah
      - Liquid : 30ml
      - Efficacy and Effects : Helps improve smoking habits by providing a similar inhalation experience to smoking, thus satisfying cravings.
    • Contact Details :
      Suwon City Government
      241, Hyowon-ro, Paldal-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi,
      Republic of Korea, 16490
      Tel: +82-31-228-2656, 2102,
      Fax: +82-31-224-3711, +82-31-228-3705
      Email :
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Suwon City Government
241, Hyowon-ro, Paldal-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi,
Republic of Korea, 16490
Tel: +82-31-228-2656, 2102
Fax: +82-31-369-2031
Email :