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KOREAN PRODUCTS - Business Product

Product Details

- KP-A330 : Block coding Software (JEM S)

    • KP-A330 : Block coding Software (JEM S)
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    • Special Features :
      Block coding software developed by Robogram to make it easy for anyone to develop 3D games without knowing programming

      1. Role-playing 3D games can be developed using the world`s most famous Roblox game engine

      2. Can sell 3D games I developed in Roblox store to 100 million users worldwide

      3. I learned the block coding SW Jam S developed by RoboGram and I wanted to learn all the objects provided by RoboGram
      Can be used as is

      4. Design a town, build a skyscraper, and experience the metaverse world in a virtual space

      5.In addition to making games, Jam S can design scientific phenomena such as the solar system, design eco-friendly products, and reproduce a scene from the history of Suwon Fortress

      6.Jam S, an online educational service that helps beginners easily enter the metaverse world using Roblox 3D game engine
    • Key Speciations :
      JEM S Software + Textbook
    • Contact Details :
      Suwon City Government
      241, Hyowon-ro, Paldal-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi,
      Republic of Korea, 16490
      Tel: +82-31-228-2656, 2102,
      Fax: +82-31-369-2031
      Email :
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Once you send us your inquiry including Product number starting with "KP-" as above, we will respond immediately to your questions about product which you have interest in. We appreciate your attention.

Suwon City Government
241, Hyowon-ro, Paldal-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi,
Republic of Korea, 16490
Tel: +82-31-228-2656, 2102
Fax: +82-31-369-2031
Email :